Tech & Tarot Blog

Daily Check-In

April 14, 2020

Hello reader, I have been social distancing for almost a full month now. I usually stay at my partner’s on weekends and last month after a shift at my part time job they convinced me to stay in. That same night DeBlasio closed restaurants so I was temporarily (I hope?) laid off. My classes have been an adjustment, but I have been doing my best given the circumstances. Part of this week was “Spring Break” so I did get some reprieve from the anxiety and stress it all brings. I have finished working on the subscribe function to my website, I want everything to be perfect before I start to promote everything. In the email a peice of code that is hidden on this page, shows up in the email, linking to my blog post. (Hint it’s right under the date, only visible if you mouse over it!) I haven’t gotten the chance to work on comments again, nor the chance to work on making each page responsive to browser window size/ branching to mobile. One step at a time.

On a more personal note, I have been working on my anger, both for my sake and my partner’s. Being stuck inside isn’t an excuse to take my anger out on anyone, but if you read my Self Discovery Journal Prompts post you may recall this is something I have been working on. I think I actually have a good handle this time. I just need practice. I feel better about everything this time around. I am equipped with some mental mantras for when I’m in the moment and already had all the post-anger tools like meditation down pact. I am going to try to learn Chinese (Mandarin, not my family’s tongue Toisanese). I redownloaded an app I used before, but ultimately ended up stopping because I didn’t have time. I have no shortage now. I wish that I could paint, but since I am not home I have no supplies. I have been attempting to motivate myself to work out, but it is not going well. I am reading two books right now. Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle is the Way and Steven Forrest’s The Inner Sky. I think it’s good, one self-help and one for fun.

What are you doing to keep busy during this social distancing time? Are you keeping hope? I sincerely hope this all passes soon and we all come out safe and ready to reclaim our lives soon.

Sending love. Thanks for reading.

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