Tech & Tarot Blog

Developer Week 2019

June 23, 2019

Hello Readers!

Earlier this week I attended an event called “Developer Week NY”. I got an invite from a group I am in on, that covered most of the cost [lucky break (:], it was a lot of fun. I went mostly to immerse myself around like minded people, expose myself to the up and coming tech and to learn. I met a lot of interesting people, and I may have even found some potential mentors! Most importantly it has helped me get my resume out there for jobs in my field. I have a phone interview on Tuesday! My search for part time work and more freelance work also continues. I had a great time going to the talks and gaining valuable knowledge and opportunities. I’m feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for, well everything right now. I may not be exactly where I want to be, but I feel like I am at the least heading into the right direction.

Here are some photos from the conference:

My bdage     Misty Robotics display     Main Stage

I recently just finished a book that has me feeling better, it was : 101 secrets for your twenties by Paul Angone. It was a little religiously leaning, but besides that I enjoyed it. I recently celebrated my birthday (June 5th if anyone is my birthday twin?) so I am now 22. The summer is here (Solstice was yesterday) and I am taking things one day at a time. I will find the right job. I will pay rent. I will thrive. I will do work I love. I will live to the fullest. I will laugh, I will dance, I will rejoice because life will turn out alright. I am reaching out to friends (now that I can sort of afford to hang a little more) and it makes me feel better to not be so isolated.

Now, some short work updates. On my current work project I am flustered. I am familiar with Google’s Firebase database, but not MongoDB. Today I got the mongo shell to make a connection to my cluster and it’s databases but not the database and collection connected to my stitch app. I did get my android app and stitch app to successfully connect but inserting a new document isn’t working (I think, I was hoping to see the data using mongo shell, but no luck so far) If anyone out there has advice please comment, I need it!

I have been painting, here are the start of two I’ve done so far:

Swamp and Tree painting base     Lighthouse Painting

For my birthday, I received new brushes and paints, so I started the lighthouse painting, but will come back to the tree one.

I am still working on my website. I am considering migrating to blogger or wix. I did not know you couldn’t use your own code with only the free tier here. I know it’s weird to ask, but if you have an opinion on either, good (or bad) drop a comment.

Anyways, thanks for reading this update. When I get that notification it warms my heart that my words are sometimes read/heard.

Till next time.

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